FNP Clinical Requirements: 3 Things You Need to Know

FNP Clinical Requirements: 3 Things You Need to Know
As you consider pursuing graduate education toward becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), it’s important that you ask the right questions to set yourself up for success. M.S.N. FNP programs require clinical hours for degree completion. Securing a clinical placement can be challenging and a source of stress for many students.
There are three important questions you should consider as you plan to pursue graduate education toward becoming an FNP:
1. Is it possible to work full time while completing clinicals as part of an FNP program?
Many FNP students maintain full-time employment. The key is having a job with a flexible schedule. Once you begin clinical courses, you will need the flexibility to complete clinical hours one to three days a week, depending on the program requirements.
2. What should I look for in a clinical site?
FNP students need the knowledge and skills to care for patients across the lifespan. Mapping out a clinical plan that includes the majority of hours in a primary care setting with a mix of preceptors (MDs and APRNs) in a variety of clinical sites will provide optimal preparation for practice and the national certification exam.
3. Will I have to travel for clinicals?
Travel/commuting to clinical sites is often necessary to complete the required direct care clinical hours. While FNP students hope to find clinical site placement as close to their geographical location as possible, it may be necessary to commute one to three hours a day to complete the required clinical hours. Keep in mind that finding a quality clinical site that prepares you for clinical practice and certification is worth the drive!
Cedarville University’s M.S.N. FNP program has a Clinical Placement Coordinator (CPC) that will help prepare you for your clinical placement and secure the right site. You will meet with the CPC early in your graduate program to establish goals and map out a clinical plan. Your clinical preceptor site will be a critical part of your educational experience in Cedarville’s online nurse practitioner program, and your CPC will be with you every step of the way to make sure it is successful.
Posted in MSN