One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in International Studies Degree

Why Study International Studies at Cedarville?

Be challenged to think globally, critically assess various points of view, express and defend your views, and integrate your knowledge with your faith in Christ. Cedarville's distinctly Christian international studies major will equip you with all these skills, preparing you to succeed in an international career while furthering the name of Christ.

If you're pursuing a major in another field, you can opt for an international studies minor to enhance and broaden your knowledge. You'll be able to choose from courses like World Religions, International Business, Global Issues, and Intercultural Communication.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Man and woman in business attire sitting and talking at a conference table.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Glen Duerr

Glen Duerr, PhD

Chair, History and Government; Professor of International Studies

Photo of Frank Jenista

Frank Jenista, PhD

Professor Emeritus of International Studies

Photo of Christine Kim

Christine Kim, PhD

Associate Professor of International Studies

Program News